Carers Club Golden Heart

Welcome to
the Club!

A community where all carers and bereaved carers are seen, heard and understood.

You didn’t sign up for this, but life had other plans. Your Loved One needs you and you’re not going anywhere. And as much as your friends and family are supportive, sometimes they just don’t get it, but we do.

It doesn’t matter if you’re Loved One is your child, your parent, a friend or a client. Neither does the diagnosis, or if your Loved One has passed away.

We’re here for you


Pick the

Clubhouse door

that sounds most like you

The Carers Club Emma Madsen

Hello, I’m Emma!

Founder of The Carers Club and a bereaved carer, Mama and Wifey.

The Carers Club is not only my job, but also my purpose and passion. I know first hand how tough it can be to step up and care for a Loved One. 

Sometimes caregiving is a lifetime gig, or a moment. And brutally, sometimes our Loved One leaves us here on Earth. 

My desire is to walk alongside you, no matter the shape or size of your caregiving story. 

Carers Club Pink Hearts

“The Carers Club creates a space for me to connect with my identity as a Carer. They create and hold the space I need to discuss the challenges that come with this path that I did not choose.

I love the activities that are provided because they are not only great for self care in the moment, but also provide me with helpful resources and strategies I can implement into my everyday life.

The online community has made me feel less alone.”

– Rita

Carers Club Pink Hearts

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